Brian Gomez May 29, 2020
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Your Injuries Are Personal To Me

In the course of everyday life, people get injured. Oftentimes it is the case that a person can manage an ongoing injury on their own, and carry on with their everyday life.

Sometimes, however, an injury can result in the loss of an important physical, mental, or psychological function, and can cause significant ongoing challenges. These challenges can include no longer being able to function without assistance, no longer being able to complete self-care tasks, no longer being able to work in the occupation for which you’ve trained, and no longer being able to care for your children.

If you have been seriously injured as a result of another person’s actions, whether those actions were intentional or negligent, The Law Office of Michael D. Waks can help. Our office is experienced in assisting clients who have incurred injuries in the following situations:

Car accidents

Assaults or sexual assaults

Motorcycle Accidents

Product Liability

Wrongful death

Your situation may not fit into one of the above categories, and that’s okay. If you’ve been seriously injured as a result of another person’s actions, contact us for a free consultation to discuss your issue. We’ll examine the facts of your situation in light of the relevant legal principles and other cases, and can advise you whether or not you have a case.

The Law Office of Michael D. Waks can also assist you to access benefits that may be available to you, to help you cope with your injury. Where appropriate, Michael D. Waks  can also help you to file a claim in Superior Court to recover damages from those responsible for your injuries. He will guide you through each step of the civil litigation process so that you are aware of what is happening, and what could happen, on your claim. Mr. waks will continually consult with you in order to provide the most practical strategies regarding advancing your claim through each stage of litigation.

If you have been seriously injured as a result of someone else’s actions, contact The Law Office of Michael D. Waks at (562) 326-5001, or by email at

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